Find the right support for your business
As a major NSW growth area, Wollondilly is full of opportunities to start and grow a business. Whether you’re ready to kick start your business or simply fleshing out a golden light bulb idea, there are a number of programs, networks and services available to support your journey.
Programs, Opportunities & Support
The Tourism and Business Support Team
Call (02) 4677 1100 or email or follow us on Facebook.
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Newsletter Sign Up
Are you on the Business Wollondilly database? Join FREE to receive up to date information and opportunities within our region.
Sign up to our Business Newsletter.
Business Wollondilly Facebook PAGE
Wollondilly Shire Council has a Business Wollondilly Facebook page specifically for local businesses. By engaging with this page, business owners can stay informed on local events and opportunities, support each other, and discover valuable resources that enhance growth within the Wollondilly region.
Follow Business Wollondilly Facebook
Working with Wollondilly Council
Wollondilly Council offers opportunities for small to large businesses to apply for tenders, provide quotes and submit expressions of interest for providing services that contribute towards community projects.
Businesses can complete an online registration to become a pre-approved supplier through councils Tenderlink system. Online registrations streamline the application process when an opportunity becomes available and registered suppliers will also receive notifications when new opportunities are open.
Venue Upgrade Grants - Program 2 - 24/25
Grants are available for dedicated live music venues to support venue upgrades that enhance audience and visitor experience. Funding will support the purchase of equipment and a range of infrastructure development works.
Closing date 3:00pm on 14 April 2025
Find out more via NSW Government
NSW Net Zero Planning Grant
The Net Zero Planning Grant is a great opportunity for NSW businesses to receive up to $30,000 in funding to cover up to 75% of the cost to strategically plan for and progress their path to net zero. Advance your net zero planning, improve resilience, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market with expert guidance and support.
Applications close on Friday 2 May 2025 at 5pm (AEST) or earlier, if funding is exhausted.
Find out more through NSW Climate and Energy Action
Active and Creative Kids voucher
If your business or organisation offers eligible activities for school-aged children, you can apply to participate as a registered provider. The program will provide two $50 vouchers each calendar year to eligible parents, guardians and carers of school-aged children.
Vouchers are available twice a year; voucher 1 - 2025 is now available. If vouchers have not already been used, voucher 2 – 2024 and voucher 1 – 2025 can be used together before 14 July 2025 for a combined value of $100.
Find out more & apply via Service NSW
ECEC Workforce Professional Development and Paid Practicum
These grants are being made available to the Early Childhood Education and Care workforce to assist with educator retention and upskilling.
On-going Application.
Find out more through Grant Connect
First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program
The First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program (FNTMP) is a new, free mentoring program for First Nations tourism businesses across Australia, matching businesses with skilled and experienced mentors. This program is designed to support mentees to grow their tourism businesses and achieve their business goals. Mentees will have access to expert advice, tailored learning, and culturally respectful industry specialists.
Find out more through First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program
2025 NAIDOC Local Grants
The NAIDOC Local Grants provide a co-contribution to the cost of activities and events being held around National NAIDOC Week (6 to 13 July 2025) that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to our country and Australian society. This grant opportunity provides funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC Week activities across Australia.
Find out more through Grant Connect
Farm Business Resilience Program
The farm business resilience program is for farmers, farm managers, and their employees, who want to upskill and learn about risk management, how to adapt to a changing climate, and improve the economic, environ., and social resilience of their business. It provides business coaching to subsidise learning & development opportunities in strategic business, farm risk and natural resource management along with personal and social resilience.
Closing date December 2025
Find out more through the NSW Government.
Industry Growth Program: Commercialisation and Growth
Participants in the Industry Growth Program Advisory Service may apply for Commonwealth grant funding to support specific commercialisation and/or growth projects. The commercialisation and growth stages may include developing marketplace strategies for entry to market, accelerating growth and scaling up into national and international markets.
On-going Application.
Find out more via Grant Connect
On 14 May 2024, as part of the 2024–25 Budget, the government announced it will continue to improve cash flow and reduce compliance costs for small businesses by extending the $20,000 instant asset write-off by a further 12 months until 30 June 2025.
Find out more via Australian Taxation Office
Safe work rebate
Small business owners, sole traders with an ABN and less than 50 full time employees, charities and not-for-profits can now apply for the $1,000 Safe Work Rebate to help purchase safety items to improve work health and safety in the workplace.
Find out more & apply via NSW Government
Sole Traders toll rebate
If you’re a sole trader with a personal and/or business toll account, you may be eligible to claim a 40% rebate (you need to spend more than $402 on each toll account in the 2023-24 financial year to start receiving a rebate).
For toll spend 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 – claims close 30 June 2025.
Find out more & apply via Service NSW.
Get paid for Screen NSW to film at your property. List your property to the library of available film locations for location professionals to view when seeking the perfect location for their projects.
Find out more & apply via Screen NSW
Drought Ready and Resilient Fund (DRRF)
The Drought Ready and Resilient Fund (DRRF) will increase the self-reliance, sustainability, and resilience of NSW primary production enterprises to manage drought. The program is offered to eligible primary production enterprises for eligible activities that support the primary production enterprise to implement their Farm Business Resilience Plan.
On-going Application
Find out more & apply via NSW Government
The Advice, advocacy and support services for working women grant program
Working women’s centres are not-for-profit organisations that provide holistic trauma-informed services. This includes free information, advocacy, advice and assistance to women on workplace issues, including workplace entitlements and rights, gender issues, cultural diversity, discrimination and sexual harassment. This grant opportunity will establish and fund working women’s centres.
The program will run over 5 financial years from 2023-24 to 2027-28.
Find out more & apply via Grant Connect
small business skills and training boost
This initiative provides small businesses with a bonus tax deduction to help them train new staff and upskill existing staff. To access the small business skills and training boost, your business needs to be a small business entity. Your aggregated annual turnover must be less than $50 million for the income year in which you incur the expenditure. The boost applies to eligible expenditure incurred from 7.30pm AEDT on 29 March 2022 until 30 June 2024.
Find out more via
Wage subsidies provide financial incentives to employers to hire and retain eligible participants in ongoing and sustainable positions. Wage subsidies ranging up to $10,000 may be available to businesses that hire eligible individuals into ongoing jobs.
Find out more via
The Australian Government is committed to supporting the development of skilled labour across the country. It provides a range of financial incentives and benefits to employers and Australian Apprentices. From 1 July 2024, the Incentive System will provide The Priority Hiring Incentive and Disability Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS).
Find out more via Apprenticeship Support
Employ a young Australian to work on your farm for 10-12 months and share your skills, knowledge, and industry insights as a farm-host. Contribute to the future agricultural workforce by giving someone a start in industry, and access a new labour market by leveraging AgCAREERSTART’s recruitment process.
Find out more via AG Career Start
ecec workforce professional development & paid Practicum
These grants are being made available to the Early Childhood Education and Care workforce to assist with educator retention and upskilling. Potential applicants can follow the weblinks provided on the Department of Education website for these programs to the dedicated grants portal to lodge their application.
Find out more via Grant Connect
Mates on the Move
Is a social enterprise that supports collection and re-use / recycling of certain waste materials, and making a profound difference to the environment, and to people who deserve a genuine second chance.
Find out more & request a quote via Mates on the Move
Get connected with and through the Australian Tourism Database Warehouse (ATDW)
Create your listing for the opportunity to be featured throughout ATDW's distribution network of Australian tourism partner websites. The ATDW is Australia’s national tourism marketing platform representing over 50,000 small and medium-sized tourism businesses and destinations. Their main goal is to support Australian tourism businesses to make the most of their digital marketing efforts, expand their reach, promote their offerings, and attract more online traffic.
Destination NSW delivers the NSW First program to assist tourism businesses around the State to develop, promote and sell their tourism products. It includes free face to face workshops and online webcasts that offer ‘how-to’ insights on a range of topics for the tourism industry, with events to be added to the calendar throughout the year. Find out more and get involved.
Destination NSW is hosting a series of practical Inbound Strategy Workshops designed to provide visitor economy businesses with the necessary steps to develop and sell export-ready products to international visitors via the inbound travel trade. With the opening of the new Western Sydney International Airport, these face-to-face workshops will assist nearby businesses to ensure their visitor experiences will be ready to sell, via travel distribution channels, to the international visitors arriving. Additionally, a virtual Inbound Strategy Workshop will also enable businesses from anywhere in NSW to take part. The Inbound Strategy Workshop will suit visitor economy businesses, including accommodation, tours and activities and visitor attractions including wineries, distilleries, breweries and farm gates. Find out more and register.
Destination NSW has partnered with the Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) to provide free access for internationally-ready NSW tour, attraction and accommodation businesses to access three ATEC Host online learning modules: China Host, India Host and Accessible & Inclusive Host. The training programs show how to effectively attract and service visitors from key markets by being culture-ready, product and service ready and marketing and trade ready, plus how to work effectively with key travel distributors. All programs are online and self-directed; express your interest here.
The First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program (FNTMP) is a free mentoring program for First Nations tourism businesses across Australia. It supports businesses grow and achieve their goals by connecting them with skilled, experienced and culturally respectful tourism industry specialists who can provide one-on-one guidance, advice and support. The program, which is supported by the Australian Government, will run until 30 June 2025; learn more here.
Accessible tourism is the ongoing endeavour to ensure tourist destinations, products and services are accessible to all people, regardless of their physical limitations, disabilities, or age. Tourism Australia has a strategic focus on accessible and inclusive tourism. The organisation aims to raise awareness of and capability for accessible and inclusive tourism, to better deliver on the accessibility needs of visitors to Australia. A range of resources for tourism operators can be found here.
Service NSW Business Bureau
The Business Bureau team at Service NSW provides free, personalised support to small business owners as they start, run and grow their businesses. If you own a small business in the Wollondilly area, your local Mobile Business Bureau can help you find the support you need.
Look out for Julie Lewis from the Service NSW Business Bureau team. Julie offers a range of support in person on all things small business. Julie can help you navigate government requirements at local, state and federal levels, including applying for grants, licences and permits, understanding government regulations and more. Julie is based in our community and brings expert local knowledge and connections across our Councils, business chambers and other government agencies to work with you one-on-one.
If you miss Julie visiting your area, call Service NSW on 13 77 88.
Disaster Assistance
Businesses impacted by storm or flood can use the Disaster Assistance Finder.
Disaster relief payments and grants may be available for businesses directly affected by storms, floods and other natural disasters in declared disaster areas. Find out about the financial support available to businesses recovering from emergencies and natural disasters here.
Business Connect
Business Connect is a dedicated and personalised NSW Government program that provides trusted independent business advice and events to help you start, run, adapt or grow your small business. In Wollondilly we are lucky enough to have two local advisors familiar with the region who can provide a tailored service for you and your business.
Call 1300 134 359 to connect with one of our local Wollondilly Business Advisors.
NSW Small Business Commissioner
The Office of the Small Business Commissioner provides many useful services to support small Australian business.
Services include;
- Easy to Do Business - Starting a business can be a daunting experience without the complication of deciphering all the licence and permit requirements. With this in mind, Easy to do Business was created to make the process easier. The free service streamlines business application processes online with Service NSW.
- Supporting Business in NSW - The NSW Small Business Commissioner role was created to give small businesses a strong voice within government.
Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO)
The ASBFEO undertakes two key functions - assistance and advocacy - with the aim of supporting and providing a voice for the small business and family enterprise sector.
To find out more visit Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
small businss debt helpline
The Small Business Debt Helpline is a free service for small business owners in financial difficulty. Their team of qualified financial counsellors will listen and give you practical advice to help you get back on track.
To find out more visit Small Business Debt Helpline
The Industry Skills Accelerator (ISA) delivers short, targeted training courses called micro-credentials that allow workers to build the knowledge, skills, and experience employers need in just 40 hours. ISA micro-credentials are industry-led, developed and delivered with leading industry partners and world-class education providers. ISA micro-credentials offer excellent value, preparing workers and businesses for the jobs of tomorrow in key industries such as advanced manufacturing, aerospace, defence, pharmaceutical manufacturing, freight and logistics and agribusiness.
Support your employees and prepare for the opportunities new technology brings, by having them skilled and ready to help your business grow. visit the micro-credential catalogue for full course details, dates, and fees.
First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program
The FNTMP is a new, free mentoring program for First Nations tourism businesses across Australia. They can support First Nations tourism businesses to grow and achieve their goals by connecting them with skilled, experienced and culturally respectful industry specialists who can provide one-on-one advice and support.
To find out more visit First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program
The Liquor Licence Manager is a new digital product that aims to increase visibility and control over liquor licence applications and payments for licences and authorised third-party users. This tool is designed to centralise liquor licences in a single location and provide greater visibility on the current status of a licence and conditions. It provides general information about a licence or premises.
To find out more visit Service NSW
In 2023, the NSW Government introduced a comprehensive package of reforms through the 24 Hour Economy Legislation Amendment (Vibrancy Reforms) Act 2023. Most of these reforms commenced on 12 December 2023. However, several of the more complex reforms and those that involved significant systems changes and consultation with stakeholders prior to implementation commenced on 1 July 2024. The reforms are part of the NSW Government's Vibrancy Reforms, which aim to encourage the return of music, live performance, local street life and a vibrant night-time economy that doesn’t come at the expense of safety.
The key changes that came into effect from 1st July 2024 can be found here NSW Government Liquor & Gaming
nova employment - disability employment services
NOVA Employment is a Disability Employment Service which is community based, non-profit organisation that is funded by the Australian Government to assist people who have a disability, or permanent medical condition find and maintain jobs. NOVA Employment is a FREE of charge service, helping employers find motivated employees and help people that have a disability find and develop their careers.
To find out more visit NOVA Employment
scope - disability employment services
Scope Group is one of the largest not-for-profit disability service providers in Australia, supporting thousands of people with complex intellectual, physical, and multiple disabilities. Scope's training programs and resources are developed and delivered with input from people who have lived experience with disability. These insights help pave an authentic and true path forward for your business.
To find out more visit Scope
Women in Social Enterprise
From July 2024 to June 2026, SECNA is helping 500 women in NSW through a business networking and support program proudly funded by the NSW Government. If you are a woman or non-binary person in New South Wales involved in or interested in social enterprise, this is a great chance to network with other social entrepreneurs.
To find out more visit SECNA
Bin Trim app for business
With the free Bin Trim business app, businesses can reduce their waste, while saving time and money – and caring for the environment. It doesn’t matter what size or type your business is, any business in NSW can take advantage of Bin Trim with just 4 easy steps. Bin Trim will help you assess your business waste and identify easy actions to avoid and reduce waste and waste costs. Sign up to register a site, complete a waste assessment, create an action plan and track your progress.
To find out more visit the EPA
Are you thinking about starting or growing your business?
Don’t become overwhelmed with the processes and steps to open or grow your business. Service NSW have done the hard work for you so you can take it one step at a time, checking things off as you go with support available through Council, Business Connect, The Office of The NSW Small Business Commissioner and NSW Business Chamber and our local associations.
There is a wealth of knowledge and assistance waiting for you to help with writing your business plan, setting prices, choosing a business structure, getting online and more!
Visit Service NSW to find out more or call your Business Support Team at Wollondilly Council on 4677 1100.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations - Starting a Small Business
Starting a new business is a big challenge, but it can be very rewarding too. There are many government resources to help you start a business, from checklists and templates to formal training programs.
Find out more about starting your business here: Australian Government
New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS)
The Federal Governments New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) helps eligible individuals’ setup and run their own small business. NEIS can help participants create a Business Plan, provide them with accredited training in small business and provide advice and mentoring for the first 12 months of their business operation. All of the training is at no cost and we also provide clients with access to training materials.
This opportunity is open to everyone, people curious about business, people looking for guidance with their business idea, those that are not in employment, education or training, everyone.
Business activity in Wollondilly is on the move. Local business owners and entrepreneurs who join the Wollondilly Business Chamber (formerly Picton Chamber of Commerce) meet to form business relationships, create opportunities, share information and seek potential partners for future ventures. If you are a part of Wollondilly's growing business network, join the next chamber meeting!
Wollondilly Women in Business
Established in 2015 as a not-for-profit organisation, the Wollondilly Women in Business (WWIB) was founded with the desire to provide assistance to Wollondilly women who found themselves isolated and separate from many of the support services so readily available within the Greater Sydney Region. WWIBN unites business women to provide support, encouragement and inspiration to one another.
WWIBN offer a range of opportunities for our members to promote their businesses while building firm, personal connections. There is also a selection of yearly events specifically designed to suit diverse schedules, interests and priorities. WWIBN also host local business awards each year.
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, the Wilton Business Network offers a supportive environment to exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and explore growth opportunities over coffee / tea. Meet other local businesses, share insights, and build relationships. Tickets are available for attendance at any one of their scheduled monthly meets held on the first Tuesday of the month.
Appin Chamber of Commerce
The Appin Chamber of Commerce is a local business network which supports the growth of local businesses and advocates on behalf of issues that affect businesses in the Appin community. Members of the Chamber are local business owners and employees, who meet bi-monthly to discuss opportunities for Appin businesses. The Appin Chamber of Commerce also endeavour to support the wider Appin community, other not-for-profit organisations and community-based initiatives.
Member for Wollondilly
Judith Hannan MP is an Australian politician and member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly who has served on Wollondilly Shire Council for 17 years, 3 of those years as the Mayor. Judy represents Wollondilly as an Independent.
member for hume
Elected in 2013, Hon Angus Taylor MP is the member for Hume NSW and Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction.
Australian Taxation Office
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is a business portal not only for taxation information and services but also other services for small business.
These include;
- Business Benchmarks
- Business assistance program
- Record keeping
- Registrations
- And more
Fair Trading NSW
Fair Trading NSW is a division of the NSW Office of Finance and Services (OFS) whose role is to make doing business in NSW simple, accessible and fair for employees, consumers and industry.
Safe Work NSW
With more than a third of Australia's entire economic output coming from NSW, SafeWork NSW is NSW's workplace and safety regulator.
Services include;
- Advice in improving work health and safety
- Provide licences and registrations for potentially dangerous work
- Investigate workplace incidents and enforce work health and safety laws in NSW
Keep checking in with your fellow businesses, friends and neighbours and keep looking out for each other. The following are free services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
- Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Mensline 1300 789 978
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- Beyondblue 1300 224 636
- Liverpool Hospital's Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
- - Risk Management 13 28 46
NewAccess is a free and confidential mental health coaching program, developed by Beyond Blue to give small business owners, including sole traders the support they need. The program is run over six structured sessions which offers practical tools in a tailored, personal program.
No referral or mental health plan is required, you can reach out online or by calling 1300 22 4636.
Ahead for business helps small business owners take action on their mental health and wellbeing through personalised resources and tools tailored to their specific needs. The portal provides tailored resources, check-ups, personalised action plans and showcases the experiences of small business owners through podcasts, videos, blogs and case studies.
Create a mentally healthy workplace
Learn about your work health and safety obligations for mental health and how you can create a safe and healthy workplace here. Creating a mentally healthy workplace has many benefits to the people around you as well as your business operations. It's also a legal requirement for business owners.
Manage Stress in your business
As a business owner you may experience stressful situations. Find out the warning signs of stress and how you can manage it here.
Service NSW
Information and guidance on Federal and State support for business. Directly contact 9132 2344 for business support.
Australian Government
Bringing you the latest news, updates and advice from government agencies across Australia.
Find financial assistance, eligibility and timing for new government support for Australian business.
NSW Treasury
Information on the Australian Governments economic response to Covid-19.
The Australian Tax Office
Assistance including instant asset write off, superannuation early access, boosting cashflow for employers and more.
Small Business NSW
Download the information resource toolkit for small business owners.
Fair Work Ombudsman
Clarification on your rights and responsibilities as an employer.
Business Australia
Support lines, information, resources and templates for business owners.
Investing, importing and trade information.
Destination NSW
Information and support for tourism operators and major events in NSW.
Wollondilly Business Chamber
Opportunities to build business relationships, find opportunities, share information and seek potential partners for ventures.
Appin Chamber of Commerce
Local business network furthering the interests of businesses through supporting growth and advocating for business issue.
Wollondilly Women in Business Network
Find opportunities to build strong connections and promote your business.
Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program (formerly West Invest)
Funding opportunities for transformational infrastructure projects to improve liveability across Western Sydney.
Protecting Your Intellectual Property
Refers to creations of the mind. Types of IP can include a brand, logo, invention, design or artistic work, or new plant variety.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DFAT promotes and protects Australia’s international interests to support our security and prosperity.
Western Parkland City
Information and opportunities on the Western Sydney International Airport (due to begin operations in 2026).
The Western Sydney Aerotropolis
Information on the 11,200-hectare area surrounding the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, located in the Western Parkland City.
If you are unsure of the type of program to suit your business needs please contact our Business Support team for assistance on 4677 1100 or
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